Fort Campbell Drug Crime Attorney
As an individual living at Fort Campbell, you are most likely a member of the United States military. Serving your nation is one of the most noble choices an individual can make. If your drug test comes back positive, you may be unsure where to turn. This result can send you into a panic, and a Fort Campbell drug crime lawyer is here to defend your honor.
At Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law, we understand that every situation is unique and believe that having a Fort Campbell drug crimes lawyer on your side is essential. For over a decade, our firm has been working diligently to defend those accused of drug crimes. We have extensive experience in handling cases involving enlisted individuals and are ready to fight for you if you find yourself accused of drug crimes in Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Defining Drug Crimes in Fort Campbell
Charges for drug crimes can vary greatly depending on the kind of drug involved and the amount that is included in your case. Navigating the criminal justice system as a civilian is difficult enough, but when you are in the military, these processes can become even more confusing. This is why it is vital to hire an attorney who has experience in these kinds of cases and can build you a strong defense that can hold up in court.
The most common kinds of drug crimes our firm has experience handling include the following:
- Drug manufacturing and cultivation.
- Drug possession.
- Drug trafficking and distribution.
- Drug sale.
- Positive drug test results.
- Refusing to take a drug test.
If you have been charged with any of these crimes in Fort Campbell, the law office of Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law, is here to help.
How Military Drug Tests are Performed in Fort Campbell
For active military members on Fort Campbell, you may become subject to drug testing. There are several ways a drug test might be performed, including the following:
- Random drug testing: This kind of drug testing is a common occurrence for members of the United States military. The Armed Forces will seek to catch enlisted members using drugs by collecting random and unannounced urine samples. Even the threat of random drug testing can keep active service members from using drugs and illegal substances.
- Consent urinalysis: In certain cases, a commander or investigator may ask a service member for a voluntary urine sample in order to test it for the presence of drugs. Keep in mind that, at this time, you have the legal right to refuse this request. However, refusing the test may cause you additional issues in the future.
- Unit/command sweep: In these situations, a commander can order the entire command or unit to provide urine samples for drug testing. These sweeps may be conducted to determine the fitness, discipline, order, and security of a specific unit. However, they cannot take the place of a consent urinalysis or a probable cause urinalysis if there is not enough evidence to request a sample for a specific enlisted individual.
- Probable cause urinalysis: If a military commander has reason to suspect that an individual under their direct line of command has been using drugs or illegal substances, they can issue a command directly to this individual to provide them with a urine sample for testing.
- Commander-directed urinalysis: This kind of drug test is used to determine an individual’s suitability for duty, the need for rehabilitation, or the need for medical treatment. If this test returns positive, the results can be used as grounds for discharge.
Common Consequences for Drug Crimes for Enlisted Individuals
You have worked hard to get where you are in the military, and a simple mistake can haunt your military career for the rest of your life. Drug charges in Fort Campbell can lead to serious consequences that can impact your career as well as your personal and professional life overall. The most common consequences for enlisted individuals who have been charged with a drug crime include the following:
- Jail time: If you are found guilty of a drug crime in civil court, this could result in incarceration. To avoid this penalty, you can try to have your charge heard in a military trial. If your case reaches court-martial, a guilty verdict could bring the case to a civilian court, where imprisonment is still a possible penalty.
- Bad conduct discharge: The use of drugs by a military individual is usually considered “serious misconduct.” This can lead to facing a military discharge, including a Bad Conduct discharge or, in certain cases, a dishonorable discharge. Additionally, you will become unable to reenlist in any other branch of the United States Armed Forces.
- Felony charge: Almost every serious drug charge can be considered a felony offense. If you are convicted of a felony charge, you may face future issues with employment or finding necessary housing.
Thankfully, with the right legal representation and counsel, you can seek to reduce the penalties you face for certain drug charges like drug use or possession. Now is not the time to take your chances. Reach out to the team at the law office of Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law, who can represent and defend you effectively and efficiently.
Defending Against Drug Crimes in Kentucky
At Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law, there are several defenses we can use to advocate for your innocence in a drug crime case. The two most common defenses include:
- Issues with testing: In some cases, a test might be inaccurate or have been incorrectly taken, and your Fort Campbell Drug Crime attorney may be able to demonstrate that the sample was contaminated or mishandled.
- Innocent ingestion: In order to prove you guilty, the prosecution assigned to your case must be able to prove that you ingested the drug in a knowing way. Your drug crime attorney in Fort Campbell may be able to prove that someone drugged you or you were not aware that what you were ingesting was illegal.
Speak with an Aggressive Legal Advocate in Fort Campbell Today
If you are a civilian in Fort Campbell or an active member of the military and are charged with a drug crime, the team at Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law, is here to help. Contact our offices today to learn more about our services and to schedule an initial consultation.